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Religious education in Leicester City

It is a statutory requirement that every SACRE (Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education) carries out a review of their agreed syllabus every five years . Leicester City's agreed syllabus was reviewed in 2014 and a supplement was drawn up, dated 2014-19. In 2018 schools were consulted about the next review and SACRE set up an Agreed Syllabus Conference, as required . Consultation with teachers showed that there was no desire to make any major changes to the 2014-19 supplement.

Further information

Agreed Syllabus for religious education for Leicester City

Leicester City's Agreed Syllabus for religious education can be downloaded via the following links:

Non-statutory guidance for 2019-2024 for Early Years, KS1 and KS2 to supplement the 2014-2019 agreed syllabus

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