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Universal Credit

Universal Credit (UC) is a new benefit rolled out by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), through local Jobcentre Plus. It is a single monthly payment for people out of work or on a low income and will replace six existing benefits.

Further information

Information for schools

Key information

UC replaces six current benefits: Jobseeker’s Allowance, Income Support, Housing Benefit, Employment and Support Allowance, Child Tax Credit & Working Tax Credit.

UC is a benefit administered by the DWP for adults of working age (in or out of work) and aims to support people into work, remain in work and progress.

Main changes for claimants:

  • Make and manage claim online
  • Single household payment
  • Paid monthly
  • Housing costs paid direct to tenant
  • Claimant Commitment (Couples have separate agreements)

All UC claims will be made online and administered by the DWP. Clients must be confident with their digital skills as UC Full Service is a fully digital system.

Assisted Digital Support 

Assisted digital support (ADS) is available to help claimants improve their digital skills and prepare for universal credit. Customers can find out more about UC in Leicester and the support available on the council website. Free computer use is available at the Customer Service Centrelibraries and community centres.


Complex needs

If you are supporting customers with complex needs you must obtain explicit consent from your client in order to assist them with their universal credit claim.

If the explicit consent options haven't resolved the situation please contact a school advisor.

School advisors

School advisors support schools in delivering CV workshops, careers fairs, Universal Credit support, CV workshops and awareness sessions around employers and different sectors. 

If your school has any issues around Universal Credit and need support please contact:

Luke Carr, school advisor -

Rebecca Leadbetter, school advisor -

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