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Fire safety in schools

All schools are invited to a free information sharing event on school fire safety on 25 March 2020. This will include a presentation from the fire service. Book your place


What's happening this term?

This section contains details of forthcoming governor events/briefing sessions being held during this term.

Further information

Autumn term 2019

A primary governor briefing on relationships and sex education (RSE)
- Thursday 12 September 2019

A working group, consisting of headteachers, representatives from development groups and from health services, have been unpicking the implications of the new DFE framework. Together the group has looked at the implications for policy, developing an age-appropriate curriculum framework and identifying how to consult with parents and the community.

We would like to invite you to the briefing in order to inform you of proposed changes, share what has been developed, listen to your views and plan how the group could support schools moving forward.

To book a place at the briefing, please call 0116 454 1916.

Governor courses

Please consider the environment.