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Fire safety in schools

All schools are invited to a free information sharing event on school fire safety on 25 March 2020. This will include a presentation from the fire service. Book your place


Recycling for Leicester schools

Orange bag logo

Our Waste Management Team offers a range of activities tailored to your school for all things recycling and waste related.

Further information

For further information on the activities we can provide please contact Kimberley Tilley

Service Development Officer (Waste Management), Leicester City Council or 0116 454 6742

We can offer a range of sessions, including assemblies, workshops and classroom presentations, tailored to your needs and covering a range of topics including:

Reduce changing habits and behaviours to reduce the amount of waste produced. Pupils can be involved in a range of activities such as; sorting, measuring, recording and monitoring waste in school to help them understand what waste is created and then encouraged to look for ways to reduce or stop waste being produced.

For example: Organising a book or clothes swap to prevent unwanted items becoming waste.

Reuse instead of disposal, think about alternative uses for unwanted items.

Through innovation, invention and idea sharing pupils are encouraged to develop ideas and projects in which they implement one suggestion or idea to help reuse waste.

For example: reducing food waste – encourage students to have waste free packed lunches or writing their own recipe book to use up leftovers.

Recycle gain confidence with home or school recycling services.

Helping pupils understand what can be recycled at school and at home, why items are recyclable, why recycling is important, and the wider context and impact of recycling.

For example: Pupils organise a collection of recyclables such as batteries; or develop communications such as posters etc. to help other students to recycle.

Waste Management supports Global Goals:

  • 7 - Affordable and Clean 
  • 11 - Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • 12 - Responsible consumption and production 
  • 15 - Life on land

Please consider the environment.